Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Greatest World Leader

- Explain Everything


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WW2: Its Cause & Its Ineffectiveness

WW2 didn't really solve any of the problems. Germany was still angry, only this time the treaty was not as unfair. Japan and Italy still wanted to expand but found out the limits to their power. So the issues of aggression and expansion were only suppressed and will probably need to be dealt with sooner or later.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

COT Practice: WW1 (The Great War)

The Great War

The Great War causes a shift in power among the colonial powers.
- Germany's colonies in Africa are taken by the British or the Spanish.
- Britain becomes more powerful as shown by the additional territory taken in the Middle East.

The reason for this change is that the war resulted in a clear winner and a clear loser that resulted in one side relinquishing the power of their colonies.

The struggle between the colonial powers to control colonies across the world is present before and after the Great War.
- Germany's loss of territory is split between the major colonial powers to show the continued interest in controlling colonies.
- Africa's territory is split up between the major colonial powers before and after the Great War.
- the Indian Ocean Basin area is also split up between the major colonial powers

The reason why colonial powers continued to desire for control over colonies is because of the benefits like more natural resources, a larger trading network, and more taxes that come with colonies.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Empires: Islamic vs. Asian

One similarity between the Ottoman, Safavid, Mughals and the Tokugawa Japan, Ming, Qing China is that they all did not look for ways to improve their technology. They feared that change would bring political instability. They have this similarity because they could both saw other examples of Europeans and change that ended in the termination of a country.
One difference is the faith that they held, in that the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughals belonged to the Islamic faith, where as the Tokugawa Japanese, Ming and Qing people operated based on Confucianism. They have different religions/philosophies because of the different histories of they cultural area. The Islamic empires were founded by nomadic Turks who may have seen Islam first and believed it to be the true faith, where as the Tokugawa Japanese, the Ming and Qing would have seen their ancestors following Confucianism.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Empires: Ottoman, Safavid & Mughal

These three Islamic empires are placed together in the same chapter because of the shift of focus from individual empires that flourish or fall on their own to empires that impact on another. Before we have seen chapters divided by region, now multiple regions are placed together. Transportation and communication systems have improved and empires can more easily influence each other. Since empires are impacted more by their neighbors, they are placed together in the same chapter. This foreshadows the future where countries will have a big effect on their neighbors.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fabian Fucan and Christianity

Fabian Fucan's attack on Christianity is a result of various reasons. Primarily his pride for his nation and his desire to see it live on in greatness drives his hate for Christianity. He sees the religion like an intruder that will sneak its beliefs into Japan and overthrow the empire. Historically, he has been taught that the white men brought demise to other empires and he did not want that for Japan. Socially, Christianity was not accepted and not popular. These are some of the reasons Fabian Fucan attacks Christianity so harshly.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Qian Long has an arrogant point of view because he believed that he was the "Son of Heaven". As the "Son of Heaven", he believed that he was above all other monarchs and had god on his side, which would lead him to speak harshly to others without fear of retaliation.