Thursday, November 15, 2012

Benjamin of Tudela's on Bagdad

          Benjamin of Tudela's description of Bagdad is biased. As a Spanish rabbi who has visited many cities, I think he has the ethos to discuss these cities, but he lets his viewpoint affect his descriptions. He describes the different ways that the city is prosperous, like the place, the riches and the caliph's lifestyle. Benjamin seems to be dazzled and enchanted by the city and writes a biased description. He likes Constantinople better because he does not mention any negatives in that description; in his description of Bagdad, he mentions the hospital for sick people and he shows a negative side to the city.

1 comment:

  1. So what is Benjamin's viewpoint? What in the background or the piece tells you why he is biased? What would cause him to dwell on positives in one place and not the other?
