Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Predicting the Fucture: Time Wasted? Or Time Well Spent?

Of course it's worth it! Predicting the future can benefit the world by providing insight on probable outcomes. The information can assist leaders in making decisions in order to avoid past mistakes.

Based on Cecilia's, Abhishek's, and my own predictions and outcomes, we can see time and time again, the probability of correctly prediction the future is high enough to prove useful. In Cecilia's prediction about isolationist policies due to the past of a dislike to new ideas, she correctly guessed that China would hold true to their "traditional TRADITIONAL" (as Cecilia says...) values. In Abhishek's prediction about China relying on itself for trade and economic development, he correctly guessed that China would stay isolated and decline because of it. My prediction about the political structure staying largely the same was correct as well.

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