Sunday, October 14, 2012

Republic to Empire

          Rome's path from #RepublicToEmpire began with strict class biased laws, which triggered a desire for justice, then a conquest of land and a power struggle and finally an assassination and a new leader and a new style of ruling. The 12 Tables outlined rules with obvious inequities between classes, the patricians and the plebeians. Inevitably someone, this time it was Tiberius, who will strive for justice. He attempts to redistribute land that will give the plebeians a fair say in government... well... the patricians like their power and want to keep it, so they murder Tiberius. Social unrest continues and even among the political power heads there are rivalries going on. The Civil War of Marius and Sulla lead to the Caesarean Civil War which leads to the collapse of the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar is assassinated, Augustus takes power and the Roman Empire is formed. Thus the Romans go from #RepublicToEmpire.

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