Friday, October 19, 2012

The Roman Empire

          I think that the Roman Empire shaped the world to be what it is today. With that in mind, I still have a negative image of the Roman Empire. It used force to suppress its people. Through my exposure to the Roman Empire, I have seen how they mercilessly kill innocent people, how they disregard the plebeians and the manner in which they run their empire. In class, Mr. Whitten talked about how the Roman soldiers just killed anyone who didn't do what was required without listening. In the book, the political structure is introduced as a hierarchy where the plebeians appear to have power, but they do not. This manner of maintaining the big Roman Empire worked well, but the people it ruled had many negative feelings. The reading about marriage and divorce further exemplifies the power and control the Romans had. For example, the Augustan Marriage Laws along with many other of his laws were created to help Augustus to maintain control of his empire.

1 comment:

  1. Well, to be fair, the Roman Empire shaped the European world as it is today, but not much more...So I wonder if your thinking would extend to agree with this statement: powerful empires are bad? We have a limited sample thus far, but it is worth it for you to start considering how much power is too much for a government to hold, and is there a way to regulate that so that the political system doesn't have as much influence over the rest of society?
