Friday, January 4, 2013

Bias Authors: Map of Africa

This textbook's map makers choose to represent Africa in the way that they did, with an minimal key, inaccuracies, and lacking religion, because they were biased and only showed their perspective, of a poor needy Africa that is isolated from the world. The map makers probably didn't give it a better key because they thought what they had was sufficient. Not all kingdoms are given color and space possibly because they thought some kingdoms more important than others (or they began at the top of the map and never finished...) Religion isn't shown because of the difficulties that come with showing religion. In a given region not everyone will have the same belief, and even if they do all have the same belief, the time period of the belief would have to be considered as well. This omission of information especially in the area of trade routes, which should be in and out to many other countries, reinforces the stereotypical American's view of Africa as a poor, needy, isolated Africa. After adding information to the map, our understanding of Africa is closer to the reality.

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