Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Crusades Project: Comments

Hi Tim,
I noticed that you are working on the Peace Crusade like me. I hope you had better luck than me in finding information about it. At first, results popped up that were not related to the Peace Crusade, rather about other crusades for peace. If you add the year 1229 to the search, the results are more relevant. Here's a link ( to a concise article that even includes how to cite it (bonus!). Good luck with your rage comics and don't be afraid to create your own rage faces.
Sam Lee

Hi Lawrence,
I'm working on the Peace Crusade and the Children's Crusade too! Sounds like a good plan to go with a diverse set of crusades to show the most understanding of the Muslim's perspective on the Crusades.
Sam Lee

Hi Allie and Becki, (I commented on Allie's comment on Becki's blog post)
I’m working with the Peace Crusade too! Another helpful hint to finding information about it is to add the year 1229 to your search keyword, it yields more relavent information.
Sam Lee

Hi Pearl,
I’m also working on the Children’s Crusade. Here’s a link that might be helpful.
Prezzi presentations are lots of fun! Their user interface is mostly intuitive and with more experience you’ll learn to love them.
Sam Lee

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