Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Crusades Project: 0 days left...

I choose to display my understanding of the Muslim perspective on the Crusades with this representation of a Muslim family because it makes sense that if I can show how a Muslim would describe a crusade and their reaction to it, then I have shown my understanding of the topic. This choice included problems with making the family work. How could three family members be at three different crusades and still be a part of the same family? What reasons did these Muslims have to travel? These questions provoked the bit of creativity in me to create a story (like the African griots!) Some of this project did not go exactly as I envisioned... Known as the video part. As I recorded the different parts of the video and began to review each part, I realized that I might be limiting my audience's understanding due to the lack of clarity... Well... I tried my best. That is all.

Click here for my project!

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