Monday, January 7, 2013

The Crusades Project: 4 days left

If my idea works... I plan on focusing on #5 Fourth Crusade (1201-1204), #6 Children's Crusade (1212), and #8 Peace Crusade (1229). These crusades occurred relatively close to each other and there's a good chance that a Muslim family may have experienced all three crusades. My idea is to have a script and potentially a video(cartoon?) of a Muslim family gathering where they talk about the crusades. The idea is to have a family of three: a father(for the Fourth Crusade), a mother(for the Children's Crusade) and a son(for the Peace Crusade). To make this work, the first step is to research, figure out how each member of the family could have been in the "right place at the right time" to get the "average" Muslim view of each crusade.


  1. I think these are some interesting crusades. They are a good choice. However, it'll be interesting how you act them out. Will they display your knowledge? And who are the actors?
    Here. Take another link.

  2. I sure hope this shows my knowledge. As for the actors, I'm not sure if I can pull it off, but if so, I'll be each one. It ought to be interesting.

  3. Joe, FYI the link you posted on my first post is the same as this one.

  4. Sam,

    I think that is a very good idea to do the three Crusades that you plan on doing because like you said, one family could have experienced all three. This could make for a very interesting and creative project, especially if you choose to do a cartoon. I can't wait to see the finished product.

    Dylan Smith
